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Change & cancel trips instantly

Easily book flexible flights & accommodations. Modify or cancel bookings online.

Sangfroid Group Sangfroid Group

The flight booking system they use is remarkably efficient, enabling quick and accurate adjustments to itineraries whenever required. This has been particularly beneficial for us, as changes in business schedules often necessitate last-minute modifications to travel plans.

Carla Dale

Finance Manager
40% of flights booked through C Teleport are successfully changed—we know how to handle it.

For real travel-changers

Flexible rates from 400+ airlines & 2.6M hotels

Flexible rates from 400+ airlines & 2.6M hotels

Free cancellation period for almost all tickets

Free cancellation period for almost all tickets

Reschedule the return flight—even mid-trip

Reschedule the return flight—even mid-trip

Easily book flexible fares

Exclusive industry fares
Exclusive industry fares Access aircrew, energy, marine, and offshore fares with 100% flexibility: free changes and cancellations. Choose from over 400 airlines.
No hidden fees
No hidden fees There are no surcharges from C Teleport. If a provider charges for changes or cancellations—all fare rules are visible upfront before booking.
Free cancellation period
Free cancellation period Almost every ticket has a free cancellation period—even non-refundable ones.
Flexible flights made easy

Change trips in two clicks

Directly in the app
Directly in the app Via mobile or desktop in under two minutes.
Flexible returns
Flexible returns Easily change the final leg of a round-trip, even after earlier parts of the trip have already happened.
Cancellation insurance
Cancellation insurance If the airline changes or cancels your flight, the ticket can automatically become fully flexible or refundable.

Simplify travel replanning

Deadline reminders
Deadline reminders You get instant reminders for upcoming cancellation deadlines via email or mobile notifications.
No manual data entry
No manual data entry Get up-to-date travel information synced with your system.
Real-time travel updates
Real-time travel updates You and your travellers automatically receive travel disruption notifications.
Flexible flights made easy

Frequently asked questions

  • Absolutely! Just two clicks to cancel or four to make a change (we’ve counted!), and you’ll get instant confirmation—whether it’s for a cancellation or a new flight booking.

  • No, you’ve got full control. You can make all changes directly on the platform. But don’t worry, if you ever need help, our support team is just a message away.

  • We don’t charge a fee for changes or cancellations. However, some providers (like airlines) may have their own fees, which we’ll always show you clearly during your booking process.

  • No, C Teleport is all about automation. When you integrate your systems with ours, any changes or cancellations will automatically sync back to your system. On top of that, your crew or traveller will receive a notification with the updated travel details—no manual work required!