Get the best and most flexible fares for the maritime industry from over 400 airlines—all online, with more price options and better price transparency than any local travel agent
Instant trip changes
Modify your crew travel plans in real-time, keeping schedules on track and your data in sync with your crewing system.
Link to crewing system
Connect C Teleport with your crew planning system to cut down on manual data entry and reduce booking errors for marine travel.
Available 24/7
Our platform is designed for easy, independent crew travel management. Plus, you’ll always have our team’s support whenever you
need it.
Global marine fares
Get the best and most flexible fares for the maritime industry from over 400 airlines—all online, with more price options and better price transparency than any local travel agent
Instant trip changes
Modify your crew travel plans in real-time, keeping schedules on track and your data in sync with your crewing system.
Link to crewing system
Connect C Teleport with your crew planning system to cut down on manual data entry and reduce booking errors for marine travel.
Available 24/7
Our platform is designed for easy, independent crew travel management. Plus, you’ll always have our team’s support whenever you
need it.
Flights & hotels for seamen with special fares
Optimised for crew travel
Book flights on a customised platform for marine crew changes. Plan trips with marine fares for both on-signers and off-signers in one go.
Special marine hotel rates
Book accommodations at over 2.6 million properties, with the option to add your own discounted corporate rates.
Change & cancel seafares flights instantly
In two clicks
Via mobile or desktop in under two minutes. Do it directly from the platform without calling or emailing.
Full or partial changes
Change your travel plans for the entire trip or just the return flight. Even if the first flight has already happened.
Refund for 'no-show'
Cancel flights even after departure in case of a no-show and still get a refund.