
Flexible business travel your size

Easy for you and your travelers. Experience real booking flexibility and travel policy compliance.
  • No third party involved

    Take control over your travel bookings, it's super simple. Our team of travel experts will be there when you need it.

  • Do everything 100% online

    You don’t have to wait for an answer. If your plans change, just cancel and re-book inside the app in a few clicks.

  • Let your travelers book safely

    Set any rule and assign roles per user to let your travelers book while you have control over budget and safety.

Real flexibility
for your travelers

  • Free cancellation period

    Cancel most tickets for free within the deadline, even non refundable ones.

  • Change & cancel in the app

    With just a couple of clicks you can change or cancel any ticket.

Keep control of your travel policy

  • 100% customizable

    Apply your travel policy exactly how you want it. You can customize it with any rule.

  • Role & Approval flows

    Set roles per user. Approve and decline out of policy trips any time, anywhere.

Travel Analytics

Keep track of all your company's travel booking expenses.
  • Global overview

    See all the travel data from all your offices in one place.

  • Expense reports

    Share expenses reports with your finance team. Spot overspending and booking patterns.

  • Track activity per user

    Keep an eye on the booking behavior of each one of your travelers.

Connect to your
duty of care solution

Take care of your travelers. C Teleport sends the flight information to your duty of care provider.
  • Free setup

    Get started with C Teleport at no initial cost. Enjoy clear, flexible pricing models tailored to your business, without hidden fees.

    Try for free
  • Easy to implement

    Once you get your user details, you can start booking right away. Our team will take care of software integrations.

    Schedule a demo
  • 24/7 support

    Whenever you need us, we’ll be there. Any time, any place; our teams around the globe are ready to help.

    Chat with us

C Teleport makes business travel easier
for everyone in your team

  • Travelers

    Manage your travel in your way. Experience the easiest way to book, change and cancel online.

  • Travel Managers

    Manage everything in one place, give the travelers freedom to book and stay in control with the travel policy.

  • Accountants

    Keep track of all the booking expenses in one place. Choose invoice or credit card.

Our global offices

You can find C Teleport in these locations. Our travel experts all around the world will be happy to help you.

Find out how your enterprise can
manage flexible business travel